{Actual Crossfit WOD is 50 reps of each exercise, we did 36}
For time:
36 Box jump,
(we jumped over various things; stones, cooler, gym bag b/c we don't have an official box built yet)
36 Jumping pull-ups
36 Kettlebell swings,
Walking Lunge, 36 steps
36 Knees to elbows
(on pull-up bar)
36 Push press,
45 pounds (we all used the same bar)
36 Back extensions
(laying stomach down on bench & raising up using back muscles...this will make you have great posture the next day, ha!)
36 Wall ball shots
36 Burpees
(Jump, then down to a push up, knees to chest and hop back up, kinda like a squat-thrust, but harder!)
36 Double unders
(Jump-rope doubletime)
ADAM: 19:02
45lb Push Press, 20lb Wall Balls, 45lb kettlebell
ANGIE: 33:52
45lb Push Press, 6lb Wall Balls, 35lb kettlebell
ALLIE: 30:50
45lb Push Press, 6lb Wall Balls, 25lb kettlebell
KEVIN: 18:50
45lb Push Press, 20lb Wall Balls, 45lb kettlebell
JEREMY: 18:47
45lb Push Press, 20lb Wall Balls, 45lb kettlebell
This one ranked right under the park workout at Easter! BRUTAL....thankfully Adam only has a birthday once a year. OUCH!